Or getting one for personal interest. And while usually no one finds anything earth-shattering that needs fixing, there are good discussions that come out of the process about methods, caveats, etc. I found myself knocking on door after door trying to sell folks Verizon Fios. It is just a brain thing. I'd love to hear some more ex-Cydcor stories. Minimally it is a way to discuss the incident without being confrontational say to them that you all were talking about me not having a degree, so I was wondering if the company supports employees in pursuing education with tuition reimbursement You could do it via email if you didnt want to say it in person. experience. While I know not everyone has the privilege to be able to be choosy about where they work, my trans and nonbinary friends are all very out as well, and I know theyd also rather find out at the interview stage that someplace is hostile rather than not knowing until later. I work in a highly regarded university and it is both common and encouraged for us to put our preferred pronouns in our email signature (Big Bird, Head Teapot Painter (she/hers). Anyways I go through the hiring process and I am aware at that point that it is in fact a door to door sales job, but they kept it just vague enough that I was still thinking there was some inside portion/management involved. This job cuts you off emotionally and is frustrating to the point that you don't realize how much you are cut off in this pyramid scheme and if an employee quits essential they are a black eye and are normalnever referenced or are ridiculed in private. Who is ED Magedson - Founder, Ripoff Report. The pre-fill feature saves wear & tear on my carpal tunnel/tendonitis prone hands, for example. 5. They call it business-to-business to save themselves the embarassment from being called door-to-door salesmen. It always goes to someone else for proofing. Nastiest Cydcor. In the counselors place, I would be more concerned that the letter was not properly attributed to Susan than than it made a brief and passing reference to Susans legal name (which the Admissions staff will already know about, as it is required on the application). The day is coming to an end and the interview is coming back to the office. Especially if you influence others to dissent!#5 Each office has at least 5 chants.#6 It starts with them preaching about attitude. Knowing they would look step-by-step in my analysis to see the input I used and the numerical levers I was using to explain the increase, I needed to make absolutely sure every step of the equations were believable to make my case. You should never proofread your own work. Am I being scammed? Id never had the misfortune to be involved with a company like Cydcor thankfully. Me: this is a 10,000 word dissertation please stop doing this. It doesn't matter what the persons qualifications are, you're job is to close them. Some people in this life have been told that college is not for them or that they are not smart enough for college. He says every time he was promoted it was brought up, but it never stopped his promotions. OP3, everyone who is not a dope like your coworker knows that there are smart and talented people who went to college and smart and talented people who didnt. It's another one of those MLM (aka Network Marketing, aka Pyramid Scheme) Programs whose main purpose is to sign you up, buy a product kit, then get you to sign up your friends, family, and co-workers to do the same thing.. The Cydcor affiliates call themselves "direct sales and marketing firms" but it has been documented by people who worked and interviewed with the affiliates that the primary focus is on . First, I cant lie to people, second, trying to sell something which has no benefits is a waste of time. I have a close person, who is part of a pyramid scheme, but hasnt realized (or admitted) it yet. I work in a job where accuracy matters and have the same problem. That was literally the only reason the work didnt change. RED FLAG 1. Check out the company site that fooled me. Going off to college and not being able to call your mom about your day, your friends, boys etc. And watch out for autocorrect! Definitely just ask the student what they prefer, and dont worry about it being confusing. He emailed me several times and even called once, which I completely ignored. Who has time to cook dinner?#14 Partial. Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished. Meanwhile, hold your head high. I wouldnt hesitate to be honest, personally (as someone who is pretty out as non-binary). It takes time, but its been really worth it. If you were using he pronouns with a name like Susan it could come across that way, but I think they pronouns would simply come across as Susan uses they. So I head out to this "field" and you know what happened? https://www.cbpp.org/research/state-budget-and-tax/state-higher-education-funding-cuts-have-pushed-costs-to-students, http://jlarc.virginia.gov/higher-ed-cost.asp, https://www.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/818nwg/any_excydcor_people_out_there/, my employee asked a colleague to help her fake a deal, Im constantly interrupted when I need to focus, and more. (This has weirdly been an issue with some queer friends of mine. When you write something, your mind fills in the sentence automatically and you wont see the typos or omitted words. When you use this technique explanations such as, I was rushing, I was tired etc all get chucked to one side. I also am unclear on what to do when the two pronouns arent the same (I cant think of a better way to word this) and have been attempting Internet searches recently to figure it out, to no avail. All rights reserved. they did not offer me insurance or any benefits package. You begin to realize just how bad it is when your executives live in apartment with 3 others struggling to live on their own. Is Cydcor a MLM? heres some free help preparing for job interviews. in the end the professionalism goes with this place. I managed to start building a halfway-decent team, I gained some guys, lost a few, had some really good sales weeks and months, always made my bills, even started actually being able to save. Seriously, you are high up there as one of my favorite commenters on this site and I wanted you to know that a random internet strangers day gets happier because of you. Maybe some questioned why my mom's ex-husband would say one of her eulogies, but for those close to her we know how much my mother adored my father and appreciated his friendship and all he had done. (I dont have a printer during wfh which has made my normal editing processes challenging!). No one really knows your circumstances. I cant quite figure out how that translates to an MLM setup., but it sure sounds.vague. Its pretty offensive to imply that people with a college degree are smarter than those without. Since they do know there could be a direct link to Cydcor or an affiliated office that might have a bad reputation, they try to avoid making that link right off the bat. Ive seen over 13 people start. It would be wonderful to be able to hold everyone to the standard of recognizing the singular they, but I would err on the side of clarifying to mitigate the risk of your letter being dismissed because the name/pronoun confusion makes it seem generic. Its still federally mandated that certain records (Financial Aid, etc.) The person who said the brain autocorrects is right. I agree on #2. Of course, I knew my mom would never give out my information without my permission, but I couldnt explain how this person knew this combination of things about me. I went in expecting to see a nice office building. The company is barely not a pyramid scheme. That said, you might find it interesting to talk to her anyway you can get a lot of good data on the job market and your own positioning in it by talking to recruiters (and who knows, maybe she has an offer that youd be interested in once you hear it). You don't need a salesman just to inform other people that a product or service exists. If you have fallen for a scam, you can post your experience here to warn others. Elaborations below, this sort of stuff isn't for the faint of heart, First of all, some background on the company: http://ethanvanderbuilt.com/2015/02/27/cydcor-ds-max-scam-opinion/. The key is to focus your efforts on the information that would be particularly embarrassing to have wrong names, dates (if you need to talk about events or deadlines), key data, etc. Why on earth would they take on a commitment like that for no reason? Would you mind a quick look at this for a second pair of eyes? and encourage that person to ask you for the same in return next time they have a big deadline. What we want is for you to get married, the judge told her, according to her description. A family member of mine never finished his college degree. I was being asked to pay for own gas for company business, which is not all that uncommon but there was no reimbursement at all. 4) And of course, make sure you preach about the opportunity because nobody will be excited about the actual job itself or the money you will make in reality while being in the field. Misinterpreting data? In my case, medication and cognitive behavioral therapy made a world of difference. There are also phone apps that will read content for you. Business Outlook. its terrifying dude, look at the cydcor guy in this thread who's trying to defend it. For public higher education, the state support had decreased by an astonishing amount. And people who are dyslexic or dysgraphic get an even more immediate benefit, because they can focus on context. It really irked me because I was not getting any help from the owner other than getting to take out interviews. Ripoff Report on: Cydcor - Cydcor marketing scam multiple violation deceptive trade practices act berkely california Im sorry I wish I had a different answer for you! #4: Strongly seconding the advice to double-check with Susan about how they want you to refer to them. Some workers have less formal education than others and there is no need to share that with their peers doing the same job. Just a second set of eyes. This kind of thinking is exactly what led the people in OPs break room to laugh at their lack of degree. Its a relatively new option in word but Ive found it incredibly useful for hearing whats actually there, not what I expect to see. Huh? SL33 didnt imply that people with a college degree are smarter than those without one they read OP#3s statement about feeling very insecure about their lack of degree (despite having professional success) and extrapolated that to OP#3 not feeling smart when they are, indeed smart and successful. spend Sunday chatting with your crew to keep them in the business. Cydcor achieves success in meeting its clients' customer acquisition goals by creating a culture of opportunity within a team-oriented, positive, nurturing environment - which benefits clients and employees alike. We were in the same PR undergrad program and he confessed to me that he felt his MLM experience pushed him out of PR and into sales since he never had any relevant PR experience that prospective employers were looking for. The consequence of NOT doing so is that Susan Smiths recommendation letter might be thrown away because nobody is in the (federally managed) application system under that name. As for leaving it and coming back later, I agree. Also, total side note, but a quick Google search says that almost 2,000 American men have had this name since they started tracking names in the 1880s. My GP helped out with some meds and I got lots of cat cuddles at home. Drug Rehab Deception Addiction Treatment Industry Rocked By Fraud & Abuse. Signing up people for things that are not necessarily to their benefit. From experience, LinkedIn works in mysterious ways. You cant even name the problem and glean the extent of its malignancy, much less try to begin treating it, if the issue itself becomes a taboo wrapped in a stigma. and our For Letter Writer # 3, I too spent a good portion of my career without a degree. Since 1994, Cydcor, a leader in outsourced sales, has been helping Fortune 500 and emerging companies achieve their customer acquisition, retention, and business growth goals. I could have stayed in that role forever (they would have been happy with it, benefits were good and pay was OK) but instead I worked my way up to more interesting work in new offices and built up a network and skillset that made me a great internal transfer to projects I preferred. Unfortunately you may want to take whatever you can get I t order to get out of there. Maybe even better would be Susan (whose official name is John) is a great student. Online, offline, email, or postal. Id only worry if that field was mandatory (according to the employer). in History! was I wrong to be put off by interviewing on Bring Your Kids to Work Day? https://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/phoenix-solution/fairfield-new-jersey-07004/phoenix-solution-cydcor-scam-pyramid-scheme-fairfield-new-jersey-669759. Original ripoff report is 100% accurate. Subtle and creepy, maybe. Just an anecdote, but one of my college recommendation letters actually DID refer to me by the wrong name (I saw a copy after it was sent in). For wasting people's time, for getting their hopes up, for being a white collar multi-level marketing cult, and most of all, for acts of deception. So I guess my question is, "Why doesn't Cydcor garner client companies which could actually benefit drastically from door-to-door salesmen instead of client companies which are doing just fine selling their own products themselves?". Thanks, Alison & commentariat, for confirming my suspicions about this job! When the manager sits down with the interview, their number one concern is can this person start tomorrow. The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members. I put she/they in my signature. So why did I get training pay for my second week when I was promoted on day 7? Nobody who matters is well served when hostile employers are allowed to operate under secrecy because pronouns are too normie/liberal/PC/dangerous to even address, except when they belong to cis people and those lacking a marked alignment (where pronouns are used automatically, without thinking, without awkwardness, and certainly without hostility.). Hearing the man who trained me in the field on my first day lie to 40+ people trying to tell them that his Quill.com paper was cheaper than Sam's Club is not my definition of honest work- The best part was when one woman actually bought her ink and paper the day before and called him out on it, he started bumbling like an idiot despite having done this Cydcor stuff for 5 years, it was laughable. But all of this is really a red herring. Academia is more than happy to promote degrees as evidence of the probability that an individual can learn and demonstrate that learning. Full benefits, higher pay then my last real job (and an actual paycheck in comparison to Cydcor), nice cushy office, nice people, laid back environment. My guess is that no initial investment probably just means they dont start taking your money until a little later. The CEO's office is most likely connected to the front office so you can't see how run down the back of the cheap-rent office is. GroupM is the worlds leading media investment company responsible for more than $50B in annual media investment through agencies Mindshare, MediaCom, Wavemaker, Essence and m/SIX, as well as the outcomes-driven programmatic audience company, Xaxis. I was so pissed off I couldn't finish my food. Late to the party, but: OP2, what youre describing (obsessively checking for mistakes, missing them, then feeling like life is over when someone else notices) sounds a lot like what in my case turned out to be symptoms of a pretty debilitating anxiety disorder. :). Youre not done until youve caught all the errors. Among the many hats I wear I also write a lot of recommendation letters for students who are applying to colleges and universities, scholarships, and other activities such as internships and job opportunities. Even so, he happily made an offer to this man who didnt complete his Associates Degree in Engineering. Repackaged from Purchased from Amazon, stealing all certifications and false manufacturing markers from the packaging of NB food supplements. It would be good to know how non-binary people feel about this idea (specifically, using they as a sign of support rather than in relation to ones own identity). It is something that I am very insecure about, but I have never let it hold me back from working my ass off and advancing my career. I love this idea! The night before as I was driving home I thought about my mom. After awhile, I started to realize that every time I tried to explain the company to an interviewee, I felt like I was trying to justify what I was doing like I wasn't completely insane. As stated in blog articles and reviews about Cydcor, they do indeed have a secretary at the front literally calling applicants for interviews as you're in the CEO's office interviewing (you can hear the pitch they gave you over the phone word for word through the wall). I had a similar experience around the same time. Everyone was wearing nice suits so I thought "cool." My team found The Guy. Then you can just not have this company on your resume. The thing that helps me is really setting the document aside for a good 20 minutes and coming back with fresh eyes. I had such a viscerally negative reaction, I got up and left in the middle of the interview literally while the guy was talking! #7 Yes! So I'm just a little torn honestly. So even just putting it down and taking a 10 minute break, getting up for a cup of water and stretching my legs, I can see much clearer when I sit back down. Problem is - if you are modeling someone - you take on the good and bad charicteristics. Again, its not asking them to revert. Is it a faux pas to ignore a recruiter? require a college degree. How best to approach it? You did the right thing, and I hope the prosecutors absolutely demolished your former company. Well, in short they do door to door sales like most MLM scams, they do a ton of door to door sales for selling AT&T services, DirectEnergy (electric and gas provider) as well as other obvious garbage like phones, vitamins, and various other random services. I was desperate for a job but I knew I could never ever ever do a job like that. But are you rushing because you want to be done or because youre not given enough time for the work? So 1 or 2 would be fine. You dont have to alternate between the two. I used to always tell my clients minimum 24hrs as a deadline just to be sure of getting a nights sleep in between my rough draft and polishing. It is true. I thought "Wow this is cool, I do this door-to-door crap for a year or 2 and then I can pay other people to do it for me". I didnt. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Is that how thats typically meant to be used? But really, when in doubt, ask them. And if the student gave the LW their preferred name, odds are pretty good that preferred name is somewhere in their application. Again, I am so sorry. Got out of there SO fast. Id suggest you do a quick inventory to see if this is derailing your brain in other ways (do you dwell on it for hours, do you take it home with you, that kind of thing) and if the answer is yes, consider talking with a professional to see if you may have a clinical anxiety issue that could be helped. You > Them. Theyll keep you as a low level sales rep who cant make enough commission to pay for bus fare, all while promising to promote you soon fully understanding that youll eventually quit. (In all seriousness though, this can really do a number on your mental health, so do whatever you need to to survive it. That is the demanding side of the solution. Ripoff Report on: Cydcor - Cydcor ds maxx granton waste of time ripoff pyramid cult scam marketing my a nationwide. OMG I totally worked for a Cydcor company. Cydcor Pyramid Scheme Monday, August 3, 2015 . If Accounting Manager B tells my boss theres a problem with HR Employee A, then its taken much more seriously and boss gets involved. Most top talent trickled out of the company in the next years. They put his resume in their briefcase. I did that for 2 months before finally I got promoted. Johnson said that her parents were turned down by a judge in Tampa, but travelled to Pinellas County, where a judge approved her marriage. Overall, with a company this shady, its better to acknowledge that it was a mistake to join, as opposed to try overly hard to not say anything negative. Is education info even private? Ok fine. At some point the dust settles. Part of why errors get missed is because your brain gets comfortable with how it looks and fills in the correct info, but if you can change it up, that shakes your brain out of its comfort zone and errors become more obvious. In the case of Cydcor, it is hard to say that offices are independent from Cydcor. or fake? The more you practice at it the more natural it will feel for your whole team. Imagine that someone being the one who carried you for 9th months in their belly, taught you how to walk, fought with you about little things that only a mother and daughter relationship could understand. Laptop voice: In one-thousand-three-hundred-and-forty-eight- There were 8 steps to the system and when I failed, I must have failed one of the cult items. She was sharing it round the watercooler, not with a client during a proposal or bidding process. HR is supposed to be the most confidential and open door part of a company and the fact that you have to worry what information you share and what information she may share with the company, is not right. Ive heard of this at other places too. Because people DO have a right to discuss pay in general. They hide behind different names, and try to entice you with the "making the big bucks" in a year or two as owner. They didnt have us join the sales rallies or drink the kool aid but boy, it was like a cult. I wish I had saved the money and bought a house instead. #3 please never feel ashamed about any degree level. This office gave the illusion that it was its own entity by having its own name -- this is the exact job description I had applied for -- an entry level account manager: -Making 100+ dials a day over the phone-Sourcing qualified candidates from posted ADS and resume databases like Careerbuilder, Monster, and Zip- recruiter-Engaging in clerical duties like background check paperwork-Utilizing Microsoft Word platforms such as Excel and PowerPoint-Engaging with interviewees' at the front desk such as checking the candidate in, handing out an interview questionnaire etc.-Joining two conference calls a week for skill & team building with other recruiters throughout the country.Benefits:-Health insurance after 90 days' of employment-Paid training-Travel opportunities to national and local conference-Career advancement based on performance not seniority or favoritism-Salary starts off at $25,000-$30,000 annually. My guess is that how thats typically meant to be done or because not. 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harder than idioms